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"The Brain That Wouldn't Die" -Jan in the Pan |
If I had a time machine, I would go back to 1975, fly to San Francisco, and go to the Winterland Ballroom on whatever night they recorded the Frampton Comes Alive album. I'd walk around the whole auditorium looking for the guy who's doing that obnoxious "whistling with his fingers" all throughout the song "Do You Feel Like I Do?" (That's the song where Frampton plugs his microphone into the guitar fuzz amplifier and sings like a robot.) Some dude in the audience is whistling with his fingers throughout that whole song and it drives me nuts.
So, what I'd do (if I had a time machine, remember) is go back there and find him in the audience, THEN I'd remember what he looks like and what he was wearing and I'd get back in the time machine and go back another two hours. Then I'd find that guy in line before the show and offer him $200 for his ticket. Think about that: $200 for a concert ticket in 1975? The tickets were probably $7.50 back then. He'd HAVE to sell me his ticket for $200. (He'd think I was nuts, but he wouldn't know $200 is the average price for any concert ticket where I come from.) Maybe I would be nuts, but what I'd do next would benefit everybody: I'd sit in his seat and be quiet during the whole Frampton concert, making Frampton Comes Alive -- already considered to be the greatest double live album recorded on vinyl of all time -- even better than it is now. And you'd have me to thank and you wouldn't even know it!
Just like I did with the guy with the airhorn at Cheap Trick Live At Budokan.
I think it's weird that Worship and Warship sound so much alike.
Think about all the people that have lived their entire lives and have never been photographed in black and white.
Have You Noticed...
Have you noticed that if someone in a movie coughs, they usually die later?
Have You Also Noticed...
Have you also noticed that no matter how long a dog leash is, the dog always wants to be a little bit farther ahead than it actually reaches? I'll bet dogs wonder why we don't make leashes that are longer. And now, for that matter, so do I...
R.I.P. M.O.M...
My mom passed away twenty years ago. (Twenty? Wow.) But if I could bring her back for one more day, I betchya she could recognize a new Ford Mustang.
Let Me Eat Cake...
You know what's cool about eating a slice of cake? Or pie? Or pizza, or pretty much anything that's served in a wedge? The fact that it gets bigger the farther you eat into it! You start at the pointed end, where there's hardly anything there, then, the more you eat, the wider it gets. It's like, it's so good, while you're eating it your wish for more is coming true before your very eyes!
I like cake.
Thank you for blogging at Bleggah! I sleep now.
By the way, the "Jan-in-the-Pan" joke in the above photo caption, I stole from Mystery Science Theater 3000. I wish those DVDs weren't so expensive. I'd buy me some. That was a good show. And my closing line in this post, "I sleep now," is from a movie called The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. If you liked Mystery Science Theater 3000, you'd prob'ly like The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. I like to give credit where credit is due. In fact, while I'm at it, I should mention that this blog name "Bleggah!" is a made-up word I stole from a girl I know named Maria. When she was little, she and her sister made up their own language and Bleggah! meant "gross" or "icky." For what it's worth.
Thanks for making me laugh out loud! It is like having you around to talk to all the time, but just you talking not a real conversation~SueH