Dark As Pitch
Last night I looked up in the night sky and noticed there weren't any stars out. It was, as my mother used to say, "dark as pitch." Then I remembered something they taught us in school: The light from a star can sometimes take a billion years to reach us, so if a star burns out, we on earth would still see the light from it for a billion years. So I thought, maybe all the stars burned out a billion years ago and now -- tonight -- there's nothing to show for it. If there's no light from the stars, maybe all the stars and planets already burned out and we're just now noticing it. And it really scared me because, what if our planet was next? What if earth was the next planet to burn out? So I went inside and sent Goodbye emails to all my friends and put all my stuff up for sale on eBay just in case. Then I went out behind the garage and climbed into the back seat of my 1959 Chevy, choosing it as my final resting place, put my phone on vibrate, and fell asleep. Did I also mention I smoked pot for the first time that night, too?
The other day I stopped at one of those big truck stops just off the interstate, and it had two entrances: a regular entrance and a semi entrance, and I thought it was weird that the semi entrance was wider than the regular one.
Cat & Mouse
When a cat pounces on a mouse, I'll bet the mouse thinks the cat came out of the sky.
(Grand) Pop Hates The Beatles
My Grampa died in 1975 and he went to his grave hating the Beatles, so I bet if I could bring him back to life for a day and told him that half of the Beatles were dead, he'd say something like, "Well, that's a good start," or something like that. But then if I told him two of his own sons were also dead, he'd be whistling a different tune then, I betchya!
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Paul, Ringo, Who's Next |